Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Equipping Students for the 21st Century Workplace

Do you think students are being prepared for the 21st century workplace? Let me hear your thoughts.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Wk 3 Free Choice - 21st Century Skills

The Partnership for 21st Century website states that students need to be equipped with learning and thinking skills to succeed in life and the workplace for the 21st century. These skills consist of:
* Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills
* Communication Skills
* Creativity and Innovation Skills
* Collaboration Skills
* Information and Media Literacy Skills
* Contextual Learning Skills

Visit the website for more detailed information at:

Monday, February 22, 2010

BP12_2010023 - One Minute Message #2 - Campus Explorer

I selected Campus Explorer as my Web 2.0 tool for this week. This website can be found at http://www.campusexplorer.com/ . This tool will benefit parents, students and mentors who are trying to provide directions to those students seeking to attend college. I chose iMovie to create my one minute video.

Visit the Campus Explorer website at http://www.campusexplorer.com/