Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Equipping Students for the 21st Century Workplace

Do you think students are being prepared for the 21st century workplace? Let me hear your thoughts.


  1. From what I see at my institution, the students are simply bored out of their minds with the "sage on the stage" approach! But a few of the older professors are comfortable with it and don't want to or simply don't know how to change things. How does one begin to implement change? Is one approach better than another?

  2. Hi Anonymous,

    Thanks so much for responding. Implementing change is challenging, especially when it's just a few who really wants change. Implementing change at the educational level sometimes starts in stages or small pilot projects. Remember the concept of “the elephant”, not eating all at once but taking chunks of the elephant that is obtainable. Outline and document what you desire and try to get buy-in of your idea (if needed). Then try working on a small pilot or project to ensure this change is a good fit for you and your environment.

    Hope this helps. Thanks again for attending my session.
